
Law and norms

Forms and documents

document type Advocates Act 1955
document type Business activities registration Act 2005
document type Business Licencing Act No 25 of 1972
document type Company Act 2002
document type EAC Customs Management Act 2004
document type EFD regulation 2010
document type Electricity Act, 2008
document type Fees payable to Registrar - Regulations, 2014
document type Immigration act 1995
document type Immigration Regulation, 2012
document type Income tax act 2008, Revised edition
document type Local government finance Act 1982
document type Notary Public Act 1928
document type NSSF Act no.28 of 1997
document type Parastatal pension fund act 1978
document type Public Private Partnership Act, 2010
document type Public Private Partnership Policy
document type Public Private Partnership Regulations, 2010
document type Rural Energy Act, 2005
document type Social Security Regulatory Authority act 2008
document type Stamp duty Act 2006
document type Subsidiary legislation of the Tanzania Investment Act 1997
document type Tanzania Investment Act 1997
document type Tanzania Revenue Authority Act 2006
document type The Business Names (Registration) Act (Cap. 213)
document type The Land act 1999
document type Value Added Tax Act, 2014
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